For 9th-12th grade students (grade you are in Fall 2017):
High School Camp
@Thousand Pines
Sunday, June 25-Friday, June 30. Crestline, CA
$ First Deposit April 14 $150 due
$ Final Payment May 31 $219 due
$ $100 Scholarships are available. Fundraising is the best way to pay for this trip. See additional page on fundraising.
$ Any student who attends more than one week-long youth trip can receive a church scholarship to help pay the costs. Please speak with the youth director for details.
What is it: Students and youth leaders spend a week in cabins up in the mountains of the San Bernardino National Forest. Study the Bible, meet other high school youth groups, and do lots of camp activities. Such as; ropes course, paintball, skate park, disc golf, art shop, malt shop, and pool.
The Grace Lutheran Church took students to Winter Camp 2015. Everyone who attended said “God rocked their world” during their camp experience. They were only there 48 hours, imagine what God can do in a week!