Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baccalaureate Celebration

Let’s celebrate our High School Graduates!

Baccalaureate Celebration
Sunday, May 15th 4:00pm

Hosted at Grace Lutheran Church
Located at 502 N Norma
Graduates, please wear your cap and gown. All are welcome to stay for the reception afterwards.

This event is a multi-church event and all are welcome. If you have questions, contact Grace Lutheran Church and ask to speak with the youth ministry director, Andi Berryman 760-375-9768.

30 Hour Famine May 6-7

Come participate in the 30 Hour Famine!

For all middle school and high school students
Parents please read below:

Is fasting for 30 hours safe?

For most people, going without food for 30 hours is perfectly safe. There are a few exceptions — like kids under 12, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and people with certain medical conditions or eating disorders. The Famine is a juice fast, which means students are provided by their Famine leader with plenty of water and juice throughout the 30 hours.
If you have any questions or concerns about fasting, check with a doctor before your student participates. We’ve also got plenty of alternatives to a traditional food fast if you deem that more appropriate.

How will my teen be fundraising?

There are lots of ways students can fundraise: online, in person, by text, over the phone, and more. The hands-down best way to fundraise is by combining ALL of these.
Your teen may also be invited to participate in a variety of group fundraisers hosted by their group leader. 

What will my teen be doing during Famine weekend?

Tons of stuff they’ll love! Their leader will create a customized schedule that includes things like serving their community, learning more about God and His heart for the poor, participating in fun and educational activities like Trek challenges, and taking part in the Poverty Simulation, where they’ll face tough decisions and learn about life from a different perspective — all while hanging out with their friends and growing closer to Christ. The Famine will be one experience they’ll always remember!
- See more at: http://www.30hourfamine.org/info-for-parents/?cons_id=0&ts=1392676447&signature=7f93d003050d6a91ed6c3f4357f84b92#sthash.7xqMledD.dpuf

Schedule: May 6
5:00-7:30am eat breakfast before 7:30am
7:30am Fast all day at school, be sure to drink lots of water and juice. If you have questions on fasting, please contact a youth leader. 
5:00pm Arrive at the Grace Center
5:00-10:00pm Tribal activities, education on world hunger, water and juice breaks
10:30pm Sleep outside (Youth leaders will be present and supervising)

Schedule: May 7
7:30am Wake up,  drink water and juice
8:30am Worship and Reflection 
9:30am Community service project
11:00-1:00pm Tribal Games, water and juice breaks
1:30pm Break the fast with beans, rice, tortillas.
2:00pm Event Ends, parents please pick up at the Grace Center

Student Fundraising Opportunities

Student Fundraising OpportunitiesRent-A-Student
When: Saturdays April 30, May 14, and May 21 from 9am-1:00pm
What: students will do yard work and other jobs for paying customers. The money donated will go toward their individual youth ministry accounts.
What to bring: Clothes that can get dirty & water bottle

Pizza Factory FundraiserDine in or take out on
Wednesday May 25 and Friday June 3
Mention the Youth Group at Grace and the youth ministry will get 30% of profits.
The Pizza Factory is located
1601 N Triangle Drive