Wednesday, November 30, 2016

December youth calendar


4:00pm Tutoring/
Homework Time
5:30-7pm Middle School Youth Group
3-5pm Serve at High Desert Haven. If you need a ride, meet at Grace Center at 2:45pm.
4:00pm Tutoring/
Homework Time
5:30-7pm High School Youth Group
4:00pm Tutoring/
Homework Time
5:30-7pm Middle School Youth Group
6-8pm Christmas Caroling for all ages. Bring jacket and flashlight
4:00pm Tutoring/
Homework Time
5:30-7pm High School Youth Group
4:00pm Tutoring/
Homework Time
5:30-7pm All Youth Christmas Party
6-8pm Christmas Caroling for all ages. Bring jacket and flashlight
No confirmation
No Tutoring
No Youth Group
6pm Children’s Program, Sanctuary

8pm-9am All Youth Sleepover
Youth Ministries Break
Youth Ministries Break

Merry Christmas!


Youth Ministries Break
Youth Ministries Break

Youth events you don't want to miss!

Upcoming Events:

·         Christmas Caroling Dec 9 and 16. Meet at church parking lot. 6-8pm. This is for all ages, and families are invited! Bring a flashlight and jacket.
·         Youth Christmas Party (middle school and high school students) Dec 15 5:30-7:00pm at the Grace Center.
·         Children’s Christmas Program Dec 18 5:30pm, Fellowship Hall. This is a community event, bring your neighbor with you!

·         Youth Christmas Sleepover Dec 19 8pm-9am, at the Grace Center. Students need to bring a current Medical release form, sleeping bag, toothbrush and wear a Christmas costume. The best costume wins a prize!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Halloween Party

Halloween Party  5:30-7:00pm

High School: Sun, Oct 30 Costumes welcomeFree food, candy, prizes, glow-in-the dark games!!Bring a friend!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

October break no tutoring

No tutoring on Oct 9 and Oct 13. But we are having youth group this week! 

Join us every week of October for youth group!
Middle School is Thursdays and High School is Sundays 5:30-7:00pm

Painting Party

All Painting Party
All church project  

When : Tuesday-Friday October 11-14 For most schools, there is no school these days.

Bring a water bottle and wear old clothes that can get dirty.
Who: All ages are invited to come and make our church a more beautiful place!
If you want to attend without an adult, you must be in 6th grade or older.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Prayer Events

Tuesday, September 20 
Saw You at the Pole Rally 6:00-7:00pm 
@ Immanuel Baptist Church
1201 N China Lake Blvd.
Come and pray with youth from all over Ridgecrest. Free event for middle and high school students.

Wednesday, September 28
See You At The Pole
Prayer Event-30 minutes before school starts
Come to Burrough's flagpole and sing and pray as a group. This is a national event, students all over the country are joining us. 

GraceFest Youth Event

GraceFest 2016
When: Saturday, September 17. Leaving at 10am from parking lot at Grace Lutheran Church.
What: 9th annual Christian music festival filled with national and local artists.
Cost per student: $20. Please sign up with Andi and pay in order to hold your spot. Dinner will be provided.
Please bring spending money for lunch at In-N-out or Panda Express in Palmdale and any extra spending money for band souvenirs or additional snacks. (Suggestion $10 for lunch and $15 for extra)
What to bring:
·         Water bottle- REQUIRED
·         Lunch money or packed lunch- REQUIRED
·         Light jacket –this event is outdoors
·         Blanket or camp chair –if you have an extra please bring it and share
·         Sunscreen and hat
·         Camera/phone for pictures
The HEAT Youth Ministry will provide:
·         Transportation there and back. Event ends at 10pm; we will arrive in Ridgecrest around midnight.
·         Dinner
·         Entrance Ticket
·         Snacks and gallons of water to fill up water bottles.
Schedule: I suggest YouTube/google these artists so you can hear their songs.
Lori Marvin and Fightlikethis 1:30pm
Dessert Lights 2:45pm
John Stratton & Highlands Music 3:00pm
Andy Mineo 4:30pm
Jordan Feliz 4:40pm and 6:15pm
Colton Dixon 6:40pm
Phil Wickham 7:45pm
Speaker: Rob Roozeboom 8:25 Rob is a man on a mission “to take what I’ve been dealt with and use it to affect the lives of others”. He teaches teens and adults how to overcome adversity in their lives. Rob struggles with muscular dystrophy which cut his dreams of being an athlete.

Rend Collective 9pm

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Youth Group Time Change

Due to tutoring  and homework time, youth group time has been changed.
The HEAT high school Youth Group
Sumdays 5:30-7:00pm

Tutoring and Homework Time

Free tutoring and homework time will be available for students from September-December.
Sundays 4:00-5:30pm

Please bring homework or something to work on each week to the Grace Center. 
Feel free to bring a snack or packed lunch, we have a full kitchen you may use. 

First one is September 4- come join us!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

MEAT/MEET the 9th Graders High school Dinner

 All High School Event
Meat the 9th graders
$3 dinner on
Sunday, August 14
(9th Grade eats free)
The HEAT High school group

Last week for 9th graders to attend Middle School group is August 11.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Youth Group Kick Off June 12

Youth Group on Sundays from 4:00-5:30pm at the Grace Center
We are adding on an extended fun hour from 5:30-6:30pm for the summer season. 

Our new series is Superhero Summer and we will be watching 5 superhero movies and learning how God has equipped us to fight evil. The summer will rotate with movie and light dinner one Sunday, and the following Sunday with a lesson themed around the morals in the movie, outdoor and indoor games, and discussion.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baccalaureate Celebration

Let’s celebrate our High School Graduates!

Baccalaureate Celebration
Sunday, May 15th 4:00pm

Hosted at Grace Lutheran Church
Located at 502 N Norma
Graduates, please wear your cap and gown. All are welcome to stay for the reception afterwards.

This event is a multi-church event and all are welcome. If you have questions, contact Grace Lutheran Church and ask to speak with the youth ministry director, Andi Berryman 760-375-9768.

30 Hour Famine May 6-7

Come participate in the 30 Hour Famine!

For all middle school and high school students
Parents please read below:

Is fasting for 30 hours safe?

For most people, going without food for 30 hours is perfectly safe. There are a few exceptions — like kids under 12, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and people with certain medical conditions or eating disorders. The Famine is a juice fast, which means students are provided by their Famine leader with plenty of water and juice throughout the 30 hours.
If you have any questions or concerns about fasting, check with a doctor before your student participates. We’ve also got plenty of alternatives to a traditional food fast if you deem that more appropriate.

How will my teen be fundraising?

There are lots of ways students can fundraise: online, in person, by text, over the phone, and more. The hands-down best way to fundraise is by combining ALL of these.
Your teen may also be invited to participate in a variety of group fundraisers hosted by their group leader. 

What will my teen be doing during Famine weekend?

Tons of stuff they’ll love! Their leader will create a customized schedule that includes things like serving their community, learning more about God and His heart for the poor, participating in fun and educational activities like Trek challenges, and taking part in the Poverty Simulation, where they’ll face tough decisions and learn about life from a different perspective — all while hanging out with their friends and growing closer to Christ. The Famine will be one experience they’ll always remember!
- See more at:

Schedule: May 6
5:00-7:30am eat breakfast before 7:30am
7:30am Fast all day at school, be sure to drink lots of water and juice. If you have questions on fasting, please contact a youth leader. 
5:00pm Arrive at the Grace Center
5:00-10:00pm Tribal activities, education on world hunger, water and juice breaks
10:30pm Sleep outside (Youth leaders will be present and supervising)

Schedule: May 7
7:30am Wake up,  drink water and juice
8:30am Worship and Reflection 
9:30am Community service project
11:00-1:00pm Tribal Games, water and juice breaks
1:30pm Break the fast with beans, rice, tortillas.
2:00pm Event Ends, parents please pick up at the Grace Center

Student Fundraising Opportunities

Student Fundraising OpportunitiesRent-A-Student
When: Saturdays April 30, May 14, and May 21 from 9am-1:00pm
What: students will do yard work and other jobs for paying customers. The money donated will go toward their individual youth ministry accounts.
What to bring: Clothes that can get dirty & water bottle

Pizza Factory FundraiserDine in or take out on
Wednesday May 25 and Friday June 3
Mention the Youth Group at Grace and the youth ministry will get 30% of profits.
The Pizza Factory is located
1601 N Triangle Drive

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Week Activities

Wednesday, March 23 Worship Service 


Thursday, March 24 Maundy Thursday

Dinner 5:45pm

Friday, March 25 Good Friday Service 


Saturday, March 26 Jesus Film Showing

3:30pm and 6:00pm

Sunday, March 27 Easter Services

  6:30am Sunrise Service

  8:00am and 10:45am Worship Services

  9:30am Easter Egg Hunt

  9:30am Bring Your Own Breakfast Potluck

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fast Food Progressive Dinner and Sleepover March 18 at 5:00pm-March 19 at 9:00am

Fast Food Progressive Dinner and Sleepover
March 18 at 5:00pm-March 19 at 9:00am


Cost $7 per youth

We encourage students to stay on Saturday for the church work day until noon. Parents and families are welcome to help from 8:00am-12:00 noon.

What to bring:
Pillow & sleeping bag
Tooth brush
Change of clothes
If you are staying for work day: wear closed-toed shoes
2015-16 Medical release form (check to see if you have one on file)

Questions: call the office at
760-375-9768 and ask for Andi

Progressive Dinner 5:30-8:00pm: The students will be riding with approved adults to 3 different local restaurants.

Saturday’s Breakfast will be provided before being dismissed at 9:00am.  

Sleepover will be held at Grace Center. 

Mark your calendars

Upcoming Events for Youth Ministries: 

Tank Wars is on Saturday, April 2 from 5:00-8:00pm at the Grace Center. Come battle your card board tanks with your friends, free event for all middle and high school students. 

Youth Yard Sale is from 7am-3pm Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23. All money raised will go to youth ministry activities. Do you have any used or new items to donate for the “name your price” yard sale? Drop off your donations on April 18-21 with front office. 

30 Hour Famine Youth Event is coming up. Famine weekend is May 6-7. Students will fund-raise with World Vision to stop world hunger. Students will have opportunity to participate in tribal activities that educate them about the poor around the world, spend the night outdoors, and fast for 30 hours as a group. Students will begin asking for your donations in April. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Summer 2016 News

  • Here is the events that are set for summer 2016:
  • Youth and Family Mission Trip- Sunday, June 19-Saturday June 25 -Los Angeles, CA
  • Confirmation Camp/Middle School Camp Sunday July 10-Friday July 15- Frazier Park, CA
  • High School Youth Gathering Monday July 18-Saturday July 23- De Moines, Iowa. 
Find more info at church office, at youth group or on our facebook page. 

Talent Show Sleepover Feb 5-6

Talent Show Auditions continues with a sleepover
When: Feb 5th - Feb 6th
7:00pm- 9:00am
For middle school and high school students
You will be expected to learn and practice a new act in our time together.
Snacks and breakfast are provided
Reason to come: We are hosting a fundraising talent show on Feb 26-27.  All participants will be awarded money toward their summer youth trips.
What to Pack:
Sleeping bag & pillow
Comfortable clothes
Musical instrument (if you play one)
Any props/supplies for your act

For Parents and Guardians:
Please complete a medical release form (check to see if we have one on file)
For sleeping arrangements we will be separating the students by gender and into age groups.
Mark your calendars: Required dress rehearsals will be Feb 20 at 5:30pm and Feb 26 at 5:30pm.  
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Andi Berryman the Youth and Family Ministries Director

Medical/Liability Release Form
I, ______________________________ parent(s)/guardian(s) of ______________________________ give permission for my teenager to attend and participate in youth activities at Grace Lutheran Church.
                By signing this form the parent, guardian or individual agrees to assume and accept all risks and hazards inherent in participating in any of the activities, events, or trips for this school year. They also agree to not hold Grace Lutheran Church and /or its owners, agents, or employees liable for damages, losses, or injuries to the person(s) or property undersigned. Risks include but are not limited to death, injury due to being a passenger in a car on route to and from home, injury due to standing, sitting, walking, climbing, and falling in or around car, or where the car is parked; any injuries due to indoor and outdoor activities, injuries due to water, sand, sun, or weather, and any injuries by participating in physical games, and risks of personal property lost or stolen. The parents or guardians understand that they are signing for the minors listed on this form, and that their signature is both a medical and liability release. I allow my child to ride with any driver endorsed by Grace Lutheran Church during these activities, events or trips.

We do hereby authorize Grace Lutheran Church, as agents for the undersigned to consent to any X-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, or surgical diagnosis or treatment or hospital care which is deemed by, and is to be rendered under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act on the Medical Staff of a licensed hospital. Whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at office of said physician or said at hospital. This permission includes any necessary dental treatment to be performed by a licensed dentist under the provision of the Dental Practice Act. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific authority and power on the part of the aforesaid agents to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment, or hospital care which the aforementioned physician in the exercise of his/her best judgment may deem advisable. This authorization shall remain effective during the entirety of the 2015-2016 school years and expires on August 12, 2016.

Parent/guardian signature and date

Address: Street Address, City and State

Best contact phone number

Emergency contact name and relation to minor                                                 Emergency phone number

Insurance Carrier Name                                                                                                Policy number

Family Doctor’s Name and Phone Number

List any allergies to medications or food

Any additional information I need to know to help keep your teenager safe?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

No youth group on Jan 31

No youth group on Jan 31-

Instead join us at 4:00pm for congregational meeting in the Sanctuary
and 5:00pm for free dinner in Fellowship Hall.
The theme of dinner is Mardi Grace and is not a potluck! 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Youth Group starts Sunday Jan 10

High School Sundays *4:00-5:30pm
*New Times*
Youth Ministries
Grace Lutheran Church


T-shirts for Sale

$15 each will support
THE HEAT youth ministry!
Please purchase with a youth leader or pick on up in the front office!